Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tips on Keeping Healthy While in School

There are many ways to make sure that you can avoid the sleepless nights studying before an exam and getting wired on coffee. Here are some tips on how you can stay healthy while you are in school:

· Being organized is key. Time management is a huge part of this. You can make sure that you do not pile on too many tasks such as school and work by making use of people on campus who can help you with time management
· When an assignment is given to you, start working on it right away. This way you can make room for other things you want to do too
· Make sure you make exercise a part of your life. Most campuses have gyms and exercise rooms and working out is a great way to make sure you can handle all the stress of the school year
· If you live on residence, try to avoid going for the dessert counter in the school’s cafeteria. If you do this, you may find the figure you had in high school is nothing but a memory by time you finish your first year
· Always make time for a good night’s rest. This goes with keeping organized where if you make sure you factor in your time to do assignments in the evenings or on the weekends, you will make sure you will get a good night’s sleep