Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Understanding Part-time Professors

Some of the professors you may have in university and college may be part-time and there are special things you need to keep in mind about having professors as this. There are advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the advantages of having a professor that is part-time is that most likely they are active in the industry that you are seeking to work in and can serve as an excellent reference for you. They may even be able to help you to get a job.

Some of the disadvantages are that the professor may not be as available as a full-time professor would be because they are not on campus as often. It may be a little bit more difficult to reach a part-time professor, however the benefits may outweigh the disadvantages.

Make sure that if you do have a professor that is part-time, you get all their contact details and try to keep in touch with them when you need to. Also, try to understand the part-time professors are trying to make a living and if they do not get back to you right away, it may be because they are busy making a living elsewhere than just the college and university environment.

The above photo is cover art for The Education Generation which I have wrote. You can buy it at:, along with many other books.