Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Top 10 Things that Make Your Professor Great

There have been professors who can help you decide what profession you want to get into based on the enthusiasm and commitment they bring to their work. Here are some tips on what makes a professor great:

1.The professor makes time to answer your questions. They always seem to make themselves available for any concerns you may have and do not seem bothered when you ask too many questions. There is a saying that is “no such thing as a stupid question.”
2.The professor returns your assignments in a timely manner and does not take weeks to give you back your grades. It is important that you know how you are doing in your course and your marks are an indication of this.
3.Having office hours or being able to meet with your professor face-to-face is really important.
4.A professor that is willing to write you a recommendation letter if you have done good work and truly do deserve one is something that can help you either further your education or land that dream job.
5.A professor that seems organized and knowledgeable during the lecture time in-class is extremely important.
6.A professor who encourages group work and fun things to do in your class time with him or her is always a bonus.
7.A professor who recommends textbooks that are actually used in the class is important. You should not be spending your money on course materials that are not even used in the class.
8.A professor that discusses the practical matters of your profession that you are training for and not just all theory is a definite advantage.
9.A professor that is great at leading interesting class discussions is a huge benefit to the classroom environment.
10.A professor that discusses some of his or her more personal aspects of themselves, as well as gets to know you as well as he or she can will help you to feel more “at home” in your school environment.

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